Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Book 'Em

IB Juniors and Seniors: Don't forget about our competition! Whoever brings more books for the book drive by next Wednesday wins power and glory and bragging rights! Make sure to bring the books to Ms. Green's room so they can be counted.
May the best class win!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Humanitarian Opportunity

The Power
of One
TWISTER Science Conference
For Girls in 9th to 12th Grade

February 11, 2012
8:30 am to 3:30 pm
Adventure Science Center

It is true one person can make a difference. It could be your destiny to achieve the The Power of One.
Meet professional women already succeeding in making a difference and learn about their experiences at the 2012 TWISTER hands-on science conference.

You are invited to register for the Tennessee Women in Science, Technology, Engineering and Research (TWISTER) hands-on science conference scheduled for February 11, 2012. Confirmed presenters include: astrophysics, aerospace, genetics, engineering, environmental health, information technology, nursing and exercise physiology.  The registration form is available at Click on public programs and then science for girls in the top menu.  A pdf of the form can be downloaded. Detailed information about the conference is also found on this page. Seniors may apply for the Women in Technology of Tennessee College Scholarship opportunity for a chance to win a $2500 or $1000 award.
If you are in 9th to 12th grade, we hope you will consider attending TWISTER. Also you may want to check your calendars for any conflicts with college entrance exams because they often occur on the same day as TWISTER. Just mail in the form with payment of $12. Spaces fill quickly and our maximum enrollment is 125 students.
TWISTER is sponsored by Adventure Science Center, Deloitte Services LP, Aegis Sciences Corporation Women in Technology of Tennessee (WITT), BioTN, and Bridgestone.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Humanitarian Opportunity

Adventure Science Center is offering a volunteer opportunity related to the opening of their Cyberchase exhibit on January 21. The Adventure Science Center is currently recruiting volunteers to assist with hands-on math and science activities during morning and afternoon shifts from 9:30 am until 4:30 pm.

For More Information or To Sign Up Contact:
Larry Dunlap-Berg
Call:  615-945-6411 (cell)        
          615-401-5072 (office)