Monday, November 28, 2011

Sexually Transmitted Diseases

Human Papillomavirus(HPV) can cause genital warts and at times can lead to cancer of the cervix, vagina, vulva, anus, penis, and throat. 3 out of 4 people have HPV at some point in their lives, but most infections go away on their own. There are no symptoms for high-risk types of HPV and most people feel fine while they are infected.

Chlamydia is the most common type of STD in the U.S. Some of the symptoms that result from this disease are as follows:
MEN: burning sensation during urination, discharge from the penis or rectum, testicular tenderness or pain, or rectal discharge or pain.
WOMEN: Only about 30% of women with chlamydia have symptoms. Symptoms that may occur in women include: Burning sensation during urination, painful sexual intercourse, rectal pain or discharge, or vaginal discharge.
Chlamydia is spread by vaginal and anal intercourse. Rarely, it is spread during oral sex or by touching your eye with your hand. It can also spread from a woman to her fetus during birth.

Syphilis is a sexually transmitted disease (STD) caused by the bacterium Treponema pallidum. Syphilis is a highly contagious disease spread primarily by sexual activity, including oral and anal sex. Occasionally, the disease can be passed to another person through prolonged kissing or close bodily contact. Signs and symptoms of syphilis include a firm, round, small, and painless sore on the genitals, anus, or mouth, or a rash on the body, especially on the palms of the hands or the soles of the feet.

Gonorrhea is caused by the bacteria Neisseria gonorrhoeae. Anyone who has any type of sex can catch gonorrhea. The infection can be spread by contact with the mouth, vagina, penis, or anus.
Symptoms in men include:
Burning and pain while urinating, increased urinary frequency or urgency, discharge from the penis (white, yellow, or green in color), red or swollen opening of penis (urethra), tender or swollen testicles, sore throat (gonococcal pharyngitis.)
Symptoms in women can be very mild or nonspecific, and may be mistaken for another type of infection. They include: Vaginal discharge, burning and pain while urinating, increased urination, sore throat, painful sexual intercourse, severe pain in lower abdomen (if the infection spreads to the fallopian tubes and stomach area), fever (if the infection spreads to the fallopian tubes and stomach area.)


    1. Mrs. Reist class should be writing ways to prevent these STD. Things to remember would be direct and indirect contact that we have talked about in class.

    2. how to prevent syphilis is too wear a condom when your having sex, espicially anal and oral.It can b passed down from kissing. The symptoms is soles on your feet, rash on the body, and painless sore on the genitals.

      -Ticaric D. WilliamsJr.

    3. to prevent from getting HPV you should get cheack ups often and have safe sex and be careful
      -Asiana Holloway

    4. to prevent hpv you must have safe sex. if you are sexually active you should get check ups often,and get any vacinations for std's. if you happen to get the infection you should get treatment.

    5. Jonkeythia Zirker says:

      to prevent syphillis you can have safe sex(USE CONDOMS) and you can get your monthly check up ONLY be with clean people

    6. Madoly Allen-

      With ANY of these diseases as long as you wear a male condom or a female condom and get cheeked regularly by your doctor you shouldn't contract ANY of these std's however abstinence is the best way to go!!

    7. Camri Mixon:

      This could easily be avoided by not having sex. If you choose to, then please make sure you use protection! Also use birth control and make sure you know this person you plan to have sexual relations with. You need to know their background with sex. Don't be afriad to ask questions when dealing with your health.

    8. Moniesha Williams:

      Ways to prevent Syphilis is to not have sex or use protection. You need to know the person that you are having sex with. You also can get tested together so you will both that you know that you dont have anything

    9. Mikey Tinch:

      to prevent gonorrhea you should use a condom safe sex is great sex :), but also ask the person your having intercourse with about the people they had intercourse with ask if they used protection and pick the pros and cons out of the situation, and also ask if they've been tested.

    10. Yayit Awet:

      condoms for both female and male is one way to prevent the spread of the diseases!!!

    11. To prevent chlamyida is to have protected sex. If you and your partner have unprotected sex and the female partner thinks something is wrong with her or think she has any symptons, she should tell her partner and go to her doctor. Nothing might not be wrong but to just be safe check with your doctor.

    12. You Should have safe sex and were condoms to prevent sexual diseases.After having any sexual contact go see your doctor to make sure that your clean and don't have any diseases.
